Unscrambling the Eggs - structural remedies on the big-tech players, American Bar Association

15 April 2021 | Online

Mannheim Competition Policy Forum, Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation

25 March 2021 | Online

Mergers and Innovation, What’s New in Merger Control: Theory and Policy, Toulouse School of Economics

10 March 2021 | Online

Big Global Regulation Experiment, Strathclyde Centre for Internet Law & Policy

5 March 2021 | Online

Policy Design in Digital Markets’ Harnessing Technology for Economic Development, 6th National Conference/ Webinar on Economics of Competition Law, Competition Commission of India

5 March 2021 | Online

Regulate them or break them up? – The Role of Competition Policy towards Big Tech, Bundeskartellamt 20th International Conference in Competition

4 March 2021 | Online