Regulatory Challenges in Digital Markets: the Digital Markets Act, BCCP Online Panel, Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies

18 June 2021 | Online

Digital Markets: The Road Ahead, European Competition Day, Autoridade da Concorrencia

15 June 2021 | Online

Privacy and Antitrust: 'Integration', not just 'intersection', CEPR

15 June 2021 | Online

An Agenda for Big Tech Regulation: Solve Antitrust Failures, Integrate Data Protection, & Decentralize Innovation? (Keynote), Digital Transformation, Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES)

10 June 2021 | Online

Big Tech Under the Anti-Trust/Competition Microscope, World Technology Law Conference, ITechLaw

9 June 2021 | Online

Regulating the global digital economy: What role for international cooperation?, State of the Union, European University Institute,

6 May 2021 | Online